Staffing and Recruitment
Contact us
Telephone number
01604 800485
Some of
our Customers
Takorama Elteknik specializes in roofing, solar energy, and electrical engineering and uses Eustaff to ensure they have the right expertise to meet the growing demand for their comprehensive solutions.
“Eustaff has made it easy for us to quickly find the right expertise. They truly understand our needs and always deliver with high quality.”
Robin Jäger —Head of Department
ABT is one of Scandinavia’s largest manufacturers of pallet collars and wooden packaging, renowned for their quality and innovation. With Eustaff’s help, they ensure the right staffing resources to meet their customers’ high standards and support the company’s international growth.
“With Eustaff, it’s simple. We get the right person in the right place every time, without unnecessary hassle.”
Anders Bard — CEO
Cetro Medical is a leading player in the medtech industry, specializing in proprietary single-use instruments and innovative solutions for healthcare professionals. With Eustaff’s help, they ensure the right expertise to meet both high production capacity and new creative challenges.
“Eustaff is professional and dedicated. They make it easy to find the right talent without us having to spend time on the details.”
Carlos Wilhelmsson — CEO
Recruitment process
Requirements profile
To find the right person for the right job, we work with you to create a tailored requirements profile.
This profile serves as the foundation for the entire recruitment process. We always consider your needs, job scope, and skill requirements while highlighting each individual’s unique personality. This is how we ensure a precise and successful recruitment.
Selection Process
Our selection process begins by matching the candidate’s CV with the skills and experience required in the job profile.
The next step involves a three-part interview process: phone, video, and in-person meetings. During these interviews, we assess the candidate’s motivation, attitude, and cultural fit within your organization.
If needed, we can also conduct practical on-site tests, such as welding assessments, to ensure we select the right candidate for your requirements.
To ensure our workers have all the tools they need to succeed, we offer support throughout the onboarding process.
This includes being present on their first day and conducting regular follow-ups—either weekly or monthly—alongside the supervisor and the worker. This approach helps us effectively track progress, development, and training.
Träffa: Anna Larsson
"Det kändes enkelt och tryggt att bli anställd via Eustaff. De har gjort processen smidig och hjälpt mig hitta en roll som verkligen passar mig. Det var en smidig process från början till slut."
2 år
2 år
Träffa: Vladislav Pandelia
"Att flytta till Sverige kändes enkelt, tack vare all hjälp med praktiska saker som boende och transport. Jag skulle definitivt rekommendera andra att ta chansen! Det är ett stort steg, men ett bra steg. "
2 år
2 år
Träffa: Johan Lindgren
"Jag gillar att Eustaff verkligen matchar rätt person med rätt jobb. Det känns som att de bryr sig på riktigt om att det ska bli bra för alla. Från första kontakten kändes det som att de verkligen lyssnade på vad jag letade efter."
2 år
2 år
Träffa: Nicolai Pinzari
"Att någon fanns där för att stötta mig gjorde hela skillnaden. Flytten till Sverige var ett stort steg, men det kändes tryggt eftersom jag alltid kunde få hjälp med det jag behövde, från boende till dokument. Nu känner jag verkligen att jag gjorde rätt val."
2 år
2 år
Recruitment without borders
Our philosophy has always been to find the best person for the job.
Regardless of nationality or ethnicity, we are established in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and the Czech Republic in addition to our establishment in Sweden.
This allows us to recruit the right skills, whether you are in a rural area or if there is a skills shortage in the profession.
Frequently asked questions
The cost of staffing depends on the specific requirements of the assignment. Normally, staffing is slightly more expensive than hiring yourself, a typical markup factor is 1.8x – 2.5x.
At Eustaff we have a dedicated and targeted process for recruiting foreign staff. We have recruitment offices in Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Croatia. By having a local presence in these countries we can offer a more personal and efficient recruitment service
- Flexibility: Staffing solutions allow companies to quickly adapt to changing work requirements. If there is a temporary increase in need, staffing can help fill these roles without long-term commitments.
- Cost-effectiveness: By using staffing, companies can reduce fixed costs associated with full-time employees, such as benefits and training. This can be especially beneficial for project-based work or seasonal needs.
- Access to Talent: Staffing agencies often have a wide network of qualified candidates, allowing companies to quickly find the right person for the job without having to go through a long and complicated recruitment process.
- Risk mitigation: Hiring staff through a staffing agency can reduce the risk of hiring the wrong person. The staffing agency often takes responsibility for ensuring that the candidate is suitable for the role, and if that doesn’t work out, they can quickly provide a replacement.
- Focus on Core Business: By outsourcing the recruitment process to a staffing agency, the organization's management and HR department can focus more on core business and strategic goals, instead of devoting time to the recruitment process.
- Custom Budgeting – With Eustaff, you only pay for the actual hours worked. This makes it cost-effective and tailored to your needs.
- Flexible Human Resources Management – Staff workers only when required by you therefore keeping your fixed costs under control. Eustaff makes it simple and efficient.
- Hire first, recruit later – If you are unsure of your long-term needs or the specific skills you need, Eustaff lets you hire staff first. If the conditions remain, you can then choose to recruit.
- Focus on Core Business – Let Eustaff take care of the staffing, so you can concentrate on what really matters to your company.
- Skills Identification – At Eustaff, we help you find the right skills for your company and minimize the risk of wrong recruitment. Our expertise ensures that you get the right person for the job.
- Complete Personnel Management – By having a consulting manager from Eustaff as the direct supervisor of the employees, you’ll get assistance with all aspects of personnel management, including payroll processing, development, and performance follow-up.
International recruitment is about finding and hiring talent across national borders, not just within one country. With our presence in Bulgaria, Moldova, Croatia, Poland and Romania, we can effectively search across borders and identify the best candidates for your specific needs.